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iso 9001-2015

ISO 9001:2015 is quality management system, a systematic and process driven approach to managing business. It is designed to support the company in meeting the needs of our customers, whilst delivering a consistent level of quality. This is extremely important for all our customers, their trust in our work and the utmost satisfaction. It is a long-term system in which we are constantly working to improve the quality of work and of the dental services provided.

Why ISO 9001:2015

  • improves company and product quality
  • increases customer satisfaction with our products
  • describes, explains and communicates our company processes
  • develops a professional culture and better employee morale
  • puts the focus on management and employees
  • improves efficiency and reduces waste
  • achieves international quality recognition
  • ensures the constant improvement of services and a patient-centred approach – strengthening confidence,
  • ensures the safety of treatment by monitoring dental equipment calibration, sterilisation etc.,
  • ensures continuous improvement of the quality of dental services,
  • provides patient satisfaction surveys.


Dentex ISO 9001:2015

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The TÜV NORD GROUP is one of the largest technical service providers, offering advisory, service and inspection expertise in over 70 countries throughout the world.




Along with high standard dental services, the Dentex Dental Centre provides other benefits for its clients as well:
1. Luxury
2. Tailored approach
3. Care
At the Dentex polyclinic, the patients are always the centre of the attention. It is for that reason that we have developed DENTEX 360° - a personalized program whose goal is to accommodate and assist our patients during their very first contact with our clinic.
At the Dentex polyclinic, the patients are always the centre of the attention. It is for that reason that we have developed DENTEX 360° - a personalized program whose goal is to accommodate and assist our patients during their very first contact with our clinic.