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Preventive dentistry

Preventive dentistry

Preventive dentistry is a set of procedures that aims to maintain oral health at the highest possible level.

Daily brushing and flossing maintains personal hygiene and thus prevents the formation of dental plaque, which is the main culprit for dental caries. A toothbrush removes plaque on all tooth surfaces and dental floss, interdental toothbrushes and mouthwash are used to remove dental plaque from the interdental area. It is important to keep good oral hygiene throughout life, from early childhood.

The following procedures are used for oral prevention in the dental office: regular check-ups, cleaning of cavities and soft deposits, regular fluoridation and fissure sealing of new permanent molars.


Preventive dentistry


Along with high standard dental services, the Dentex Dental Centre provides other benefits for its clients as well:
1. Luxury
2. Tailored approach
3. Care
At the Dentex polyclinic, the patients are always the centre of the attention. It is for that reason that we have developed DENTEX 360° - a personalized program whose goal is to accommodate and assist our patients during their very first contact with our clinic.
At the Dentex polyclinic, the patients are always the centre of the attention. It is for that reason that we have developed DENTEX 360° - a personalized program whose goal is to accommodate and assist our patients during their very first contact with our clinic.