Restorative dentistry is one of the fundamental disciplines of classic dentistry, dealing with the repair of cavitations and fractured parts of the tooth caused by caries.
Restorative dentistry includes diagnostics, dental treatment and restoration of the damaged tooth structure with composite fillings. Composite fillings are a modern replacement for former high quality amalgam fillings. They allow anatomically shaping the tooth in a colour identical to the natural colour of the teeth so that a well-made composite filling is not visible for laymen. By using these modern materials, exceptional adhesion to the tooth structure is achieved and thus the occurrence of secondary caries on the edges of the fillings is avoided. They provide "minimally invasive preparation" access in which only the structure of the tooth changed by caries is removed, maximally preserving the healthy tissue of the tooth.
The materials used today faithfully imitate the appearance of the natural tooth and, if properly implemented, they bond to the surface of the tooth and form a whole with it.
Thanks to the latest dental materials, possible earlier deficiencies become completely invisible and your smile can shine brightly.
Endodontics is one of the most important branches of dentistry and our team of dentists pays special attention to it.
Endodontics is a part of dentistry dealing with the treatment of tooth pulp and root canals. The most common cause of tooth pain is tooth pulp infection caused by caries. Caries occurs when the surface of the tooth is progressively demineralized, caused by acids from bacterial plaque. In order to successfully treat it, it is necessary to remove the infected nerve of the tooth, to perform thorough cleaning of the entire length of the tooth root and fill the space with artificial material because this will prevent the further penetration of bacteria from the oral cavity into the body. Sometimes infection can occur without noticeable pain and changes in the nerve can manifest themselves only in changes to the colour of the tooth or when radiographic analysis is performed. Endodontic problems that are not treated can affect the overall health of the patient and cause problems with the heart, kidneys and joints. All these problems can be avoided or solved only with quality endodontic treatment or tooth removal.
Endodontics is a kind of a microsurgical procedure requiring micron precision in the interior of the tooth invisible to the eye. All endodontic treatments are carefully performed with high precision, by hand, machine or laser.
Since the endodontically treated tooth is weakened and it is not as resistant to fractures, it is necessary to provide infill, restoration and a crown.