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Fotona dental laser

Fotona dental laser

Dental medicine cannot be exempted from the technological challenge of using lasers. We use them in our clinic, which is distinguished by advanced technologies and expert personnel. By using these lasers, we can guarantee excellent results for you and your health. Our dental lasers are a product of the Slovenian company Fotona, well known for its production of laser systems for dental medicine.

The advantages of dental lasers:

  • interventions performed with a dental laser for soft tissues do not require stitches
  • interventions performed with a dental laser do not require anaesthesia
  • bleeding during the intervention is reduced to the minimum thanks to the power of the beams, which enable instantaneous cauterisation of the blood vessels and prevent blood loss
  • the laser beam disinfects the intervention area and prevents bacterial infections
  • damage to the surrounding tissues are reduced to minimum
  • during the intervention, the laser immediately incites biostimulation and regeneration of the wounds, which heal much faster

Technology in the service of efficiency and safety... simple, gentle and powerful...


FOTONA dentalni laser

Lightwalker - The Highest Technology Dental Laser System
Fotona's Latest Dental Laser short version


Along with high standard dental services, the Dentex Dental Centre provides other benefits for its clients as well:
1. Luxury
2. Tailored approach
3. Care
At the Dentex polyclinic, the patients are always the centre of the attention. It is for that reason that we have developed DENTEX 360° - a personalized program whose goal is to accommodate and assist our patients during their very first contact with our clinic.
At the Dentex polyclinic, the patients are always the centre of the attention. It is for that reason that we have developed DENTEX 360° - a personalized program whose goal is to accommodate and assist our patients during their very first contact with our clinic.